Winter season and increased hair fall?

It’s not surprising to notice that you’re shedding more hair in the shower than usual as winter approaches. The hair loss you’re likely to experience throughout the winter is cyclical, just like the health of your skin, which is dependent on the changing seasons. Winter hair loss is primarily brought on by the dry outside air, which dehydrates your scalp by sucking out all of its moisture. Dry hair and a dry scalp together can cause breakage, thinning, and hair loss.

1. Oil massages 

To get deep down to the hair roots, gently massage the scalp with a warm 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil or almond oil. You can also apply the oil to the length of your hair for deep conditioning.

2. Your hot showers are thinning out your hair 

Steamy showers are known to raise your hair’s cuticles, resulting in moisture loss, dehydration, and a faster fading of the expensive hair colour you just spent a fortune on. Always wash your hair with lukewarm water, then finish with a cold water rinse to prevent this.

3. Eat well and drink plenty of water 

Your body’s capacity to generate new hair follicles is restricted by a poor diet and nutritional deficits. Make sure you eat enough protein and vegetables as needed throughout the colder months.

Use these suggestions as part of a regular hair care routine this winter to create beautiful hair. This winter, say goodbye to all your hair problems and poor hair days.

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