Understand your problems with digestion

The digestive system is an intricate and extensive part of the body. It ranges all the way from the mouth to the rectum. The digestive system helps your body absorb essential nutrients and is responsible for getting rid of waste.

Chronic constipation

Chronic constipation indicates a problem with getting rid of waste. This most often occurs when the colon can’t pass or move stools through the rest of the digestive tract. You may experience abdominal pain as well as fewer bowel movements (which are more painful than usual).

Food intolerance

Food intolerance occurs when your digestive system can’t tolerate certain foods. Unlike food allergies, which can cause hives and respiratory problems, an intolerance only affects digestion.

Symptoms of food intolerance include:

The outlook

You may be able to overcome digestion problems with treatment and lifestyle changes. Certain diseases of the digestive system might be long-term, but medications can help alleviate symptoms.

Identifying specific digestion problems and talking with a gastroenterologist can go a long way in terms of helping your doctor give you a proper diagnosis. Remember, you don’t have to put up with constant digestive issues.

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