Shielding your tiny tots(Children)

Our tiny tots are the apple of our eyes. Whenever an infant enters a house, one needs to take ample precautions as the child is too delicate and prone to infections easily, as it is yet to develop an immune system. From hygiene to medical and health care. Every aspect has to be diligently monitored.

Maternal antibodies from breastfeeding your infant,  do not give your toddler all the protection it needs. Hence vaccines do a great job of  protecting the child once the maternal antibodies begin to wear off. As the child starts growing up, he/ she might be susceptible to diarrhoea and malnutrition. Thus, the Indian government has made it mandatory for every child between 0-5 years  to be vaccinated. 

A toddler needs to be guarded from diseases like polio, influenza, and jaundice, etc. Hence the government provides free vaccination to children below five. A child needs to take multiple doses of various vaccinations at regular intervals and at various stages, to prevent them from other life threatening diseases. 

At birth, an infant is given BCG, OPV and Hep B which prevents your tot from contracting diseases like tuberculosis, polio and  Hepatitis B virus.

Post which, after six weeks an infant is given vaccinations for  DTP, HIB, Rotavirus, etc. These vaccines are given to prevent the child from getting Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussi, Haemophilus Influenza B Virus (HIB).

After nine months your tot is eligible to receive the MMR vaccine which shields him/her from Measles, Mumps and Rubella which attack the brain of the child. 

Once your child is all of one year old, he/ she is eligible for Hepatitis A vaccine which prevents your tot from the Hepatitis virus which attacks the liver causing the disease or jaundice in most cases.

Hence #PhleboIndia is your one-step solution for all or any tests brought right at your doorsteps, 24X7, in the comfort of your home.

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