Prepare for Covid-19 with these 4 tips

These days, ailments including the flu, colds, runny noses, sore throats, and others are among the most common. We must be cautious and make sure to adopt a lifestyle that will help us get stronger and healthier.

Here are a few important changes that will boost your immunity over time:

i) Be sure to get enough fluids.

Drink enough water, fluids, or drinks to start and finish your day. You can drink lemon water in the morning with a teaspoon of honey to aid in the removal of toxins from your body. To stay hydrated, one should consume two to three litres of water each day.

ii) Air is clear

Include some indoor plants in your house that have been shown to be effective natural air purifiers, such as aloe vera, spider, and snake plants. In addition to this, you can also wear N-95 masks and air purifiers to avoid lung and breathing problems.

iii) Routine exercise

Regular exercise refreshes your body and mind and gives you energy for the rest of the day. Get at least 150 minutes, or 30 minutes a day, five days a week, of aerobic exercise, according to health experts.

iv) Take probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial gut bacteria that are alive and dwell in the gut. Your regular diet should include probiotics to boost immunity and reduce your risk of getting sick. Yoghurt or curd is a fantastic source of probiotics that guard against allergies and colds.

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