How to overcome your Fear of your First Surgery

There is always that fear of whether or not the surgery will be successful, irrespective of whether it is a small or a big surgery. In most cases, when we think about a problem, we are more concerned about the consequences than the solution. There is a possibility that this type of thinking might become a psychological factor. It is important to keep in mind that surgical anxiety goes beyond the fear of surgery into physical symptoms such as nausea, running heartbeats, and chest pains. There is a possibility that a severe anxiety attack, commonly referred to as a panic attack, can be triggered by a fear of surgery.

In order to help you overcome surgery fear or anxiety, we have put together some tips.

  1. Be familiar with your illness, prescriptions, and surgical procedures.
  2. Have a sound sleep while your surgery is taking place and let go of your fear of anaesthesia.
  3. Avoid getting caught up in the fact that this surgery will disrupt your finances. 
  4. Talk to your surgeon to understand the risk factors involved in the procedure and then remain calm during the surgery.
  5. Acupressure, a sound walk, or acupuncture can help you stay relaxed and normal.
  6. Whether you are fighting cancer or not, if your fear keeps growing, you should consult a counsellor.
  7. Make sure you answer all of your child’s questions regarding surgery so if he or she has to undergo the procedure, they will become fearless and stay calm.

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