Mood swings can feel like rapidly fluctuating emotions that can manifest as irritability, temper, sadness and/or anxiety that results from hormonal imbalance.
1. Inform Yourself
Be conscious of your physical, emotional, and mental health and take appropriate action to improve it.
2. Get enough rest
It’s important to practise proper sleep hygiene, which includes establishing regular bedtimes and wake-up times, switching off gadgets before bed, engaging in relaxation exercises, and abstaining from drug use just before bed.
3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a sort of psychotherapy that can assist you in recognising and altering unfavourable or negative thought patterns as well as learning useful self-help methods.
4. Stress management
Although stress might frequently feel unavoidable, it is best to keep levels in check. Participating in hobbies or leisure activities, writing, meditation, and mindfulness exercises might improve your mood and general well-being. It will assist to be aware of your triggers and prepare for them.
5. Confident Statements
Writing in a journal, using positive affirmations, and engaging in other thoughtful activities can all help you relax and feel better.
6. Mind-Body Technique
Changing one’s lifestyle and establishing wholesome, enduring habits can help manage mood swings associated with PCOS. Long-term benefits can be obtained from eating the right kinds of foods, engaging in regular exercise, practicing yoga poses, unwinding sufficiently, creating a sleep schedule, and other lifestyle changes.
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