Here are some yoga asanas for the professional you!

Nowadays, the majority of white-collar employment entails spending a lot of time at a desk. The bad news is that prolonged sitting might increase your risk of developing a number of health issues. The good news is that practicing specific yoga positions can enhance your health and happiness while also lessening the negative consequences of prolonged sitting.

i) Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana

With your legs bent and your hands by your sides, lie on your back with your back to the ceiling.

Slowly inhale and lift your hips off the floor.

Your upper torso, head, arms, and feet should now all be in contact with the ground.

Maintain this posture for 10 seconds.

Exhale and lower your body to the floor allowing your back to rest in a neutral state.

ii) Bhujangasana

Your face should be toward the ground, and your toes should be flat on the ground as you lay on your stomach.

Take a deep breath in and slowly raise your torso while placing your palms on your sides.

Your palms and lower torso should now be the only body parts touching the earth.

Make sure both palms are being compressed equally.

Breathe in evenly, hold this position for a few seconds, then release your head, chest, and abdomen back to the floor.

iii) Balasana 

Your feet should be facing up at this stage while you sit straight with your legs folded. 

Exhale as you inhale deeply, then slowly bend your forehead to the floor while inhaling. · 

Your arms should be reaching as far forward as they can at this time. 

Your palms should face the floor, as should your face. · 

In this position, make sure your hands, forehead, and calves are all in contact with the ground. · 

Hold on to this position for a short while.

iv) Adho Mukha Svanasana, 

Your face should be directed toward the ground, and your palms should be spread wider than your shoulders, forming a mountain-like shape with your body. 

On the other hand, your feet should be put close together. 

Your hands, hips, and feet must be the three points of a triangle formed by your entire body.

Hold on to this position for a short while.

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