Getting your vital fluid checked

Most of the nutrients consumed by man are mostly in the form of solids. We know that our bodies are made up of 70% of water, which helps these solids to break down and help provide the nutrition via the bloodstreams to the various parts of the body. 

What we also need to know is that,  it is not just water alone that does the needful, there are other body fluids that are involved in the process of nutrient absorption. Every organ produces its own vital fluid necessary for its own functioning.

One of the most crucial vital fluids in our body is Bile. A brownish- dark green looking fluid stored in the gallbladder and produced by the liver. It is released into the intestines when one is having food. Its main function is to break the fat composition in the food down and help dissolve vitamins A, D and E into our body, which prevents the cholesterol in the bile from turning into gallstones, in the gallbladder.

Another two vital fluids that are present in our body are blood and lymph. Blood contains white blood cells, red blood cells , platelets and plasma. While the Lymph is an uncolored liquid present in the intestines which help to distribute nutrients, gases and hormones throughout our body.

Whenever distribution of these vital fluids is unequal, it affects the functioning of the essential organs in our body.  Hypertension, heart attack and  coronary heart disease are some of diseases one can be prone to, incase of irregular circulation of vital fluids.

Thus, a Phlebotomist plays an integral role in helping people detect any irregularities of these vital fluids, by drawing samples of the blood and running tests. #PhleboIndia has skilled phlebologists who come home to collect blood samples, and very cautiously deliver them to the nearby laboratories to run tests, and provide the clients accurate results.

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