Get A COVID Antibody Test For A Comprehensive Health Exam

Even though the pandemic is already into its second wave, COVID-19 in India appears to still have a firm grip over the nation. While everyone’s attention is currently focused on the COVID-19, it’s crucial to pay attention to other aspects of your health as well.

Take the Full Body Checkup rather than letting online advice control how you feel about yourself. The comprehensive test will examine your blood for COVID-19 antibodies as well as your liver, thyroid, kidney, blood, sugar, and cholesterol.

Your doctor will be able to evaluate both your overall health and your COVID-19 antibody levels using the results of this battery of blood and urine tests.

These tests might also reveal an unidentified underlying illness that could put you at risk for life-threatening consequences if you unavoidably contract COVID.

You can consult your doctor, receive a general sense of your health situation, and treat any underlying conditions promptly to prevent further deterioration. Without any uncertainty or fear clouding your judgement, you and your family need to be informed of your current health state.

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