Eating healthy can be fun with these tips

Food should be a pleasure, and that’s still true even if you’re trying to eat healthily. Although some diet plans focus on the negative, implying you have to cut out everything you like, that doesn’t have to be the case. 

More of the right things

Eating more may seem strange if you’re trying to lose weight, but eating at regular intervals (three nutritious meals a day, plus snacks if needed) and eating more of the right things can help. Don’t focus on what you can’t have, focus on what you can have: fruits and vegetables, white and oily fish, whole grains, and high-fiber starchy carbohydrates. This will leave less room for foods like fatty or processed meats and salty or sugary snacks and drinks

Fill up on fruit and veg 

Having at least five portions of fruits and vegetables each day can help protect your heart and reduce your risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. What’s more, the fiber content will fill you up and reduce the temptation of unhealthy foods.

A whole lot of grains 

Wholegrain foods such as bread, brown rice, and wholemeal pasta are sources of fiber, so choose them over white varieties to keep your digestive system healthy.

Go for fish

Aim to have two portions of fish a week, and make one of these an oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout, or fresh tuna (not tinned). Oily fish is a source of protein and provides omega-3 fatty acids, which are associated with reducing your risk of heart and circulatory disease. Adding fish to your diet can help reduce your meat intake and the saturated fat and salt that can come with it. 

Buy more food

Being prepared and buying more of the right foods makes it easier to follow a healthy diet and means you’re less likely to eat out or order takeout. 

Planning meals in advance and going to the supermarket with a shopping list for the week ahead will help you stay on track. Be realistic about how much you will cook and eat in a week, so you don’t waste food. 

Color it in

Making meals colorful increases their appeal. Add a variety of colored vegetables, such as tomatoes, spinach, yellow peppers, beets, carrots, and sweet corn, to make your meals look great on the plate and more nutritious too. It’s also good from a nutrition perspective to eat a range of colors, as different fruits and vegetables have varying nutritional benefits.

Enjoy your food 

There’s no point in eating food you don’t enjoy. Try out different foods to find the ones you love. Find hundreds of heart-healthy recipe ideas. We’ve also got healthy versions of your favorite takeaway dishes, such as chicken and green bean curry, dry masala prawns, and red onion, courgette, and pepper pizza.

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