Do this test with us to know how strong your bones are

The significance of bone health is not a mystery; in fact, bones serve a variety of functions in the body, including anchoring muscles, giving structure, and protecting internal organs.

Bone is a living tissue that undergoes continuous deterioration and replacement. Osteoporosis develops when the production of new bone does not keep up with the breakdown of existing bone, resulting in additional brittleness and fragility. So that you can detect changes in bone density before breaking a bone, through this test you can find out how strong your bones are.

Do you exhibit any of the symptoms below?

i) Back discomfort brought on by a broken or collapsing vertebra

ii) Gradual height loss 

iii) Slumped posture 

iv) A bone that breaks much more easily than expected

v) Bone fractures

vi) Shortness of breath (smaller lung capacity due to compressed disks).

vii) Muscle cramps

viii) Sensation in hands and feet 

ix) Difficulty or change in how you walk 

x) Drop in hormone levels

It would be best advised to take any precautions under the direction of a professional if you display these symptoms. However, good nutrition and regular exercise are essential for keeping your bones healthy throughout your life.

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