Be kind to yourself, be kind to your heart

How we treat our hearts is as important now as it is for the rest of our lives. Kindness affects our heart rate, our blood pressure, and the stress on our hearts. It is often said that we don’t have control over many circumstances in our lives, but we can control our responses. 

Responding in a “fight or flight” way often puts more pressure on the heart along with increased blood pressure, blood glucose, and other functions. It takes practice, but a calmer response will allow our heart rate and pressure on the heart muscle to be more relaxed. Most stressful situations pop up and pass before we know it. A driver may cut us off in traffic, a rude person may say or do something that is uncalled for, or we may experience something that is uncomfortable. Realize that for the moment it may be alright to be upset, but to let that feeling go and be kind to your heart. “Let go and let God.”

  1. Kindness Starts With Being Kind To Yourself
  2. Lead With Compassion, Follow With Kindness
  3. We Feel Happier When We Act In Service To Others
  4. Choose Kindness
  5. Give To Give, Not To Receive
  6. We Become Kinder With Practice
  7. Kindness Begets Kindness
  8. Kindness Is Lasting

Think about how you speak to the people you love and care about, and then turn that voice on yourself. Be conscious of your inner voice; let it be a friend or one that is kind to you rather than one that is harsh to you.

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