Are having regular body check-ups mandatory?

Ageing is an irreversible process. And along with it one will notice changes in  production level of hormones in our body As we age, the frequency of hospital visits can escalate. Hence, monitoring these changes from time to time, via body check-ups help us understand deficiencies of vitamins and minerals in our body. Thus, coaxing us to incorporate a  healthy lifestyle, a nutritious diet and having additional supplements to regularise and stabilise vitamin, minerals and hormone levels in our body. 

With current fast paced, and in some cases sedentary work life on a rise, an average Indian is prone to lifestyle diseases and stress. Unhealthy eating at irregular, odd hours, and no time to exercise, creates havoc within one’s body. This affects the digestion, and other bodily functions. Unwanted aches crop up, heartburn, rise or decline in blood pressure, diabetes, fluctuations in mineral and vitamin levels,  and even hair and skin related issues crop up when we do not eat and sleep on time. Regularising our eating and sleeping habits can help us cut a lot of stress from our lives. But a timely full body and health check-up can help a person detect these issues on time, and your general practitioner can prescribe oral medications to control the levels of imbalanced hormones and vitamins.

Many times, a full body check-up can enable a physician to detect disease-related signs in real time. A yearly full body checkup can diagnose severe life-threatening illnesses or prevent the risk of such diseases before symptoms turn worse. Early detection of  diseases like Cancer, can help to start treatments at an early stage, thus preventing loss of lives.

Thus at regular intervals, one must try to get their complete health check-up done, so that many health related issues can be detected in time, before they escalate.

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