How to create complex carbs in your diet and why are they important?

You might think of white bread, rice, and pasta when you hear the word “carbohydrates,” and you might decide to limit or avoid these foods. However, are you aware of complex carbs and their role in a balanced diet?

Compared to simple carbs, complex carbs include more nutrients. They digest more slowly and contain more fibre. They become more full as a result, making them a good alternative for weight management.

The starchy vegetables like maize and peas, whole grain pasta, brown rice, and whole wheat bread are the main sources of these nutrients.

Candy, pastries, and soda are foods that primarily include simple carbs and act as a quick energy source. As a result, they are quickly absorbed and cause a blood sugar surge, which causes the usual post-sugar slump and prompts immediate hunger. Due to the bigger size of their molecular structure, complex carbohydrates require more time to degrade.

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