Defending Against Covid 19

Maintain a distance: Even if people around you don’t seem to be sick, keep at least a meter away from them because the virus might exist without showing any signs of it.

Wear a mask: When you can’t physically get away from the source or when you’re inside, wear a well-fitting three-layer mask. Before putting on and taking off a mask, wash your hands.

Avoid being around people for an extended period of time, poorly ventilated indoor areas, and congested areas. Invest more time outside than inside.

Avoid touching surfaces, especially those in public places or medical facilities, as they may have been touched by persons who have COVID-19. Surfaces should be disinfected on a regular basis.

Use an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water to often wash your hands. Carry an alcohol-based rub with you if you can, and use it frequently.

Use tissues or a bent elbow to cover your coughs and sneezes, and immediately dispose of spent tissues in a closed container. After that, wash your hands or rub your hands with alcohol.

Vaccinate yourself: When it’s your turn, vaccinate yourself. Vaccination advice and recommendations should be followed locally.

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