You’d be amused to know these reasons for an increased coughing

Winter increases exposure to illnesses including the common cold and the viral flu. Not to mention the frightening threat posed by Covid-19 and the rising pollution levels, all of which compromise the immune system.

There can be several reasons for the rise in coughing. However, according to experts, the two main causes are a favourable environment for microbial growth and a potential decline in the immunity levels.

Due to low and dry heating and inadequate ventilation, we are more restricted indoors, increasing the likelihood of disease transmission, thus becoming a primal condition for illness. The spread of viruses is further facilitated by working inside, such as in small offices, schools, restaurants, etc. 

A healthy immune system is thought to require adequate vitamin D intake, which decreases throughout the winter months. However, this immune system continues to be weakened, opening the way for viruses to enter. The Human Rhinovirus (HRV), which is the most prevalent of these viruses and is most frequently discovered in the spring and winter.

The flu-causing influenza virus spreads when the air is dry and cold, especially during winters. Breathing in cold, dusty, and dry air can also restrict blood vessels in the upper respiratory tract, which conserves heat and makes it difficult for us to fight off bacteria and viruses. As a result, the white blood cells cannot reach the mucosal membrane.

But you can fight off these illnesses by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, staying hydrated, taking the ideal amount of vitamins and nutrients, and maintaining basic hygiene. 

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